Here we are at the beginning of another school year. There is so much to do to prepare for the influential generation that is stepping into our classrooms. Don't procrastinate! Start your year off the way you want to finish...strong!
Have a plan and stick to it. Of course there will be things that will come up that will make your plan hard to implement in some areas, be flexible. Flexibility will keep your frustration and stress levels low. Remember that everyone in the school is responsible for a workload that seems impossible. Everything isn't always what it seems. Teachers all over the world are making the seemingly impossible - possible and changing the lives of their students one day at a time.
Focus on the end and what it takes to get there successfully without leaving one student behind!
P.S. General Education Teachers with students that have special needs in their classroom: DON'T count these students out! They are smarter than you think! They CAN achieve the seemly impossible but they need a great teacher supporting them! Don't let them down. Motivate them to give more, be more and do more.
Have a GREAT Year!!!