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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Do Not Lump Our Students Into One Category

It is a sad turn of events when an educator starts to lump our children into one category by making haphazard statements that every child of a certain race, ethnic group, or physical or mental disability cannot accomplish what other groups or communities can. This educator is indiscriminately grouping all of our children together instead of looking at their unique strengths and abilities.

Some of our students may not have the exposure or rich experiences as some of their counterparts. It should be our mission to give them exposure and rich experiences by weaving it into our lessons. Make every day an interesting and exciting journey into ‘undiscovered’ topics. Pull out all the stops, grab their attention and take them on an adventure! Reading alone is okay but bringing that book to life is better.

Our students, even those who lack in exposure, are on different levels of learning. Figure out their learning styles and deliver your information in a way that they can receive it. We must meet them where they are, finding common ground, and taking them to where they can stand on their own amongst their counterparts.

Do some of our students have great deficits? Yes. With all of the focus on assessments is it hard to find the time to give them what they need? Yes. Do we need to overcome those challenges and find ways to make the most of every moment that our students have with us? YES.

For those of you who may have forgotten, ALL of our children CAN learn!!! Will you be the one to invest time, energy, and your resources to ensure that it happens? Will you be the one to choose to not focus on the deficits or behaviors but focus on the possibility? I hope your response is a resounding YES.