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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Repeat After Me...I believe in myself!

I believe in myself!
I am smart!
I am ready to learn.
My work is not too hard!
I can learn ANYTHING!

I believe in you!
You are smart!
You are ready to learn!
Your work is not too hard!
You can learn Anything!
Now get to work!!!

Your students want to know that you have their best interest at heart. They want to know that you are in their corner. Almost everyday my students chant the list above. First to themselves and then to a friend. Ultimately when someone says, "I can't" everyone else reminds them that they can. They remind them that their work is not too hard and they can learn anything.

It is very heartwarming to see the encouragement come from everyone in the room, even when the work is hard and beyond their level of learning. It gives me that opportunity to remind them that their are people in their corner who believe that they are smart and that with a little effort they can accomplish the goal (or least get closer to it).

My students love this activity and will NOT let me forget to do it. In the past, I had a student that was nonverbal and could not say all of the words but would scream "I Be" continuously until we started the chant. All faces light up whenever we do this, including mine.

The students repeat the words so much that they start to believe what they are saying. As a result, their productivity and effort increases. Not only that, they start to see the good in their classmates.

As a teacher, you want to create an environment where mistakes and hurdles are just a part of the learning process. In a world where so many can be so cruel, you can give a child hope, strength, and help to build their self esteem by the words that you say. Don't miss the opportunity to change a child's negative perspective about themselves.

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